
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Almost Wordless Wednesday - 71


  1. This is an old World War I poster encouraging Canadians to buy Victory bonds. A really lovely unsigned piece by an early 20th century artist.

    Tomorrow I'm starting a Thursday Thirteen series heading towards Remembrance Day. After seeing Passchendaele last Friday, I found myself seeking out the music of the First World War. I'll be looking at the music of wartime eras in the coming weeks, with a special Remembrance Day Thursday Thirteen coming on Nov. 6th.

  2. That's one nice piece of old poster. Happy WW! :)

  3. That's a powerful image, Julia. Awesome.

  4. They had lots of similar posters in England during WWII. I enjoy reading books set in this period. I wish there were more around. the music was great too. I look forward to your posts, Julia.
