
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thursday Thirteen - 110 - 13 Things I'll Enjoy Now That I've Got My Computer Back

I'm sitting at my desk in my living room, basking in happiness in front of my newly-restored computer. Sigh. It's been a lo-o-o-ong week-and-a-half while it was in the shop. And there's so many things I can do now!

1 - The first sign of trouble came when the latest Flash Player upgrade came up. I couldn't install the new version, no matter what. I suspected that a run-in with a virus a few months previously had corrupted some of my hard drive. And that is precisely what did happen.

My best friend's husband has rescued my computer and my sanity. He's got Flash Player installed and now I can watch video on the computer again.

2 - Before we handed our tower over to Mark, the little blue bar showing available memory on the C drive was the complete opposite of this new one. We had no memory to speak of. Yay! Thanks Mark!

3 - I can get back to my Robbie story. Haven't been working on that since the computer went into the shop. Instead, I've been concentrating on my Scorpius story, collecting pictures for a collage I'll be making on Saturday at the all-day writing workshop.

4 - And while I'm working on my Robbie story, I can listen to my YouTube playlists. Oh, how I've missed those!

5 - At last, at last, at last I can watch the third season of BBC's Robin Hood!! I've been watching bits and pieces at work while I kill time waiting for the bus at the end of the day. But now my husband and I can settle in and watch the whole thing!! Here's a preview.

6 - We can watch DVDs on our computer media player. Our regular DVD player bit the dust a while ago, so we watch movies on the computer. The computer is across from the couch so it's comfy, and we get a really good picture on the computer.

7 - I can visit racier blogs and sites at home than I obviously can at work. Yay, me! A writer needs a little inspiration...

8 - I didn't bother saving the image files I'd made up of my fictional characters. I figured they could all use a bit of housecleaning, so now I'll be on the hunt for new ones. I find it very relaxing to gather pictures.

9 - I can visit all of my favorite blogs again! My blog-hopping was down to nearly zero, as I attempted to continue posting from work during my breaks and lunch. That was only marginally successful, because it's been very, very hectic at work. I couldn't push my break times too hard - sometimes I needed a rest from it all.

10 - Considering that I went to film school, you would think I would have posted some video on my blog by now. Well, that lack of memory was definitely a deterrent to that idea. But we've got lots of new memory. Now, to figure out the whole uploading thing.

11 - The endless research - do you know how many times I thought 'Oh, I'll go look that up on the computer' and then realized I didn't have access to the internet? For curious need-to-know people like me, it's such a relief to be able to google again.

12 - I'll be able to Twitter again - not too much of that this past week-and-a-half, since I don't have a cell phone or a blackberry.

13 - And I can update my Facebook, too. That's been pretty haphazard lately. A break and a lunch goes by awfully quick if you're trying to blog, Twitter and Facebook. Ah, the luxury of not having to check the clock, check the clock...

Alice Audrey says I have a sudden urge to back up my files.

Carleen says I can't imagine life without a computer anymore.

Chris says I recently experienced a week without my computer and it was hard!


  1. I am very dependent on technology too! I can't remember what life was like before google reader and that was only a month ago! :)

    Enjoy your favorite things to do with your computer!

  2. i wonder why i will do without technology!

    Happy TT

  3. I have a sudden urge to back up my files.

  4. I'm glad you have your computer back again, Julia. I know I get awfully twitchy when I don't have computer access. :)

  5. I know what that is like, not having a computer. Glad your friend fixed it...and you have all good things installed and working in proper order.....

    Hello....My 13 is about mockingbird facts, baby chick photos and crepe myrtle bushes in bloom. Stop by if you can!

  6. I'm glad your computer is up and running again. Happy TT!

  7. It's a nightmare with no computers up and running in the house. Only happened once they were both down at the same time. Glad you're back up and running. Happy T13!

  8. The modem at our business went on the fritz on Monday, so we were without online access until the hubster went to buy a new one. In the meantime, my daughter and I used our iPhones to answer email while we waited. I can't imagine life without a computer anymore.

    Happy Thursday to you!

  9. Great list. Interesting inspiration :)

  10. good for you :)

    i recently experienced a week without my computer and it was hard!

  11. I don't think I'm "racier" but I am a fan of strong language on my blog lol. Great list!

  12. Welcome back to the virtual world. I love it here and go bananas when I haven't got my trusted laptop around ;-)

  13. I'm glad you've got your computer back. I periodically have issues with mine and am glad for my old laptop that gets me through while I deal with them. Strange how S L O W it seems, but it's better than cold turkey. I do back up my files regularly ... just because.
    Hugs and blessings,

  14. Ah you're up and running again! Great! :)

  15. strenuously avoiding the twitter machine - the last thing i need is another time-suck...

  16. Isn't it funny how quickly we got used to life with computers?!

  17. We have seven computers in the house (including one whose sole job is to be the backup for the website and the other six). I can't imagine how much time it's going to take you to catch up!

    I'm glad you're back online, though.

  18. My old computer ´died´ in January, and I had to do with an even older temp for several weeks. Makes one appreciate something that works :D

  19. Hurrah! It's amazing how much I do with the computer either in my lap or nearby.

    I'll see something and do a quick search for more details. Or I'll get an idea for a post and open up a new post draft. Or I'll get an ear worm and go in search of a song or a video.

  20. While I don't want my computer to break or my internet to be down, I have to admit there is something a little bit appealing about being technology free for a little while. Oh well, I'm sure if that happened I'd be a basket case. Glad your computer is back up and running!


  21. Glad you got the computer back! I was worried about your withdrawal symptoms. ;)

  22. I'm hyperventilating at the mere thought of a week without my computer!

    *breathe Robin, breathe*

    Sure glad you've got yours back now!

  23. Glad you computer is up and running again! I'm addicted to mine, well my daughter's ;-) Enjoy your weekend...
