
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Nearly Wordless Wednesday - 115

Did you ever imagine that one of the kids you looked after as a babysitter would turn out to be an award-winning rap star?

Yeah...wasn't expecting that one.

But that's what happened.

He'll be appearing at The Paragon in Halifax, Nova Scotia on Thursday, Sept. 3rd at 10 pm.

Ms Snarky Pants says hehehe That would be so weird!

Michelle Johnson says That video is great.

Brooke says It's amazing how things turn out...


  1. hehehe That would be so weird! Well good for him! hehe

  2. That's an interesting scenario! :)

  3. How wonderful you knew him when he was young. That video is great. I think he is well deserving of his rap career. Have a great day.

  4. That's great. It's amazing how things turn out... Plus how strange it is to see those you know in the spotlight..

  5. It's always interesting to see HOW things turned out, rather than watch them happen. Retrospect and flashbacks are always entertaining and/or surprising.

  6. Ms Snarky Pants - He does come from a family of writers, costume designers and actors. But at the time I was looking after him, he played hockey and didn't show much interest in music.

    Akelamalu - I enjoy reading his reviews. They often comment on his lyrics and sophisticated use of rhyme.

    Michelle - He was a very charming kid. Just not musical at the time - so this is an incredible delight!

    Brooke - You wouldn't believe how much he looks just the same as he did when he was seven, at some points in the video!

    Dawn - Yes, the first time I had an inkling of this development was when he became my Facebook friend.

  7. how cool!

    BTW - finished 'The Night Watch'. Loved it. Thinking about how to review. How many books in the series?

  8. hehe, what fun! Not long ago, I found out that a younger second cousin of mine plays in a rock band. Not a super-famous one, but doing pretty well! :)

  9. That would be a weird feeling, wouldn't it?
