
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - 119

Jennifer Leeland says Oh. So pretty. I love this, Julia.

Michelle Johnson says Nice to see some flowers still flourish in the changing weather.

Brooke says They remind me of the small daisies we would put in our hair as kids...


  1. what a beautiful clump of flowers. nice to see some still flourish in the changing weather. hope all is well.

  2. Beautiful color... The white against all the green and brown (and purple? leaf).... They remind of the small daisies we would put in our hair as kids..

  3. Last flowers of the season? Very pretty. I love daisies.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. =)

  4. So pretty! It gives the impression of a domestic flower gone wild. Such a pleasant scene. Happy WW

  5. completely conflicted about the Roman Polanski thing.

    The only film of his I've ever seen was 'The Pianist' - but that was overwhelmingly powerful.

    Horrendous trauma in his life, yes -

    But -

    wasn't 'The Pianist' all about overcoming horrendous trauma with dignity and morality intact? Choosing to be the kind of person you want to be, no matter what someone else does to you?

    no excuse for abusing a child,and the chance that there was some kind of misunderstanding/extenuating circumstances/whatever seems nullified by his guilty plea.

  6. Lovely, like to have those in a small jar on my kitchen table!

  7. Oh wow, so gorgeous -- the late flowers are sometimes the most beautiful of all. :)
