
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - 156

Janet says She looks like she's smiling - but I know that look. My brother has a dog that does it, too.

Mindy says Is she part beagle? I love beagles!!

Akelamalu says She thinks she's won! LOL


  1. This has been one of the hardest expressions to capture on film in nine years. But it's one I see often - when she's giving me a slight challenge, or when she's annoyed.

    Xena is a very even-tempered dog - but she is also naturally dominant, and tried to establish herself as the Alpha Female when she joined our Pack. I get an enormous kick out of her continuous pokes at me. She'll never give up her quest to become the Alpha, and I love her for it.

  2. Xena is a cool name and she sure is a cool dog! Nice pic :)

  3. She looks like she's smiling - but I know that look. My brother has a dog that does it, too.

    Great pic, Julia :)

  4. Is she part beagle? I love beagles!!

    (Just clicked through from to say "hi!")


  5. Julia, she looks like she's challenging you.

    The only people out in all the rain on Monday in my neighbourhood were the dog walkers. Always makes me smile when I see their grim expressions - the humans, not the dogs.

  6. Aw Shucks ya caught me on your couch with your what you think you are going to do about it huh...he's mine I tell you... eat your heart out... you mean that kind of look?

  7. What a precious picture, and I'm glad you captured that expression with Xena. I have a kitty much like Xena -- an Alpha Female, and man oh man, can she ever be a bad-ass (my black kitty girl, Dorydoo). :)
