
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Poetry Train Monday - 161 - The Snags of Life

Having spent wonderful hours in the yard this weekend, and looking forward to more on my time off this week, here's a Loop Poem inspired by my garden.

For more poetry, Ride the Poetry Train!

The Snags of Life

Standing in the garden
Garden opened wide
Wide enough for all
All to step inside

Treasures peek from corners
Corners beckon sweetly
Sweetly spiced and tempting
Tempting me completely

Shadows cool and knowing
Knowing boughs that wave
Waves of color flicked by breezes
Breezes gather seeds to save

Garden beckons, gathers
Gathers butterfly and bird
Bird takes refuge here
Here the snags of life are cured

© Julia Smith, 2010

Naquillity says Very nice loop poem. Your garden pic is great.

Mimi says I've never come across a loop poem before (sheltered life??) There is a sense of forward movement all the way through, driven by the loop system.

Jennie Marsland says I've never seen a loop poem before either, at least not one labeled as such. Beautiful!


  1. very nice loop poem. your garden pic is great. i'll bet you'll be found in your garden this week, won't you? have a great night.

  2. I've never come across a loop poem before (sheltered life??, need to read more), but this is lovely.
    There is a sense of forward movement all the way through, driven by the loop system.
    Thanks for sharing it.

  3. I've never seen a loop poem before either, at least not one labeled as such. Beautiful!

  4. I feel so peaceful just reading that. :)

  5. Very well written! A peaceful read!


  6. That had a wonderful rhythm and tempo. I enjoyed it.

    (And I rode for the first time too.)

  7. Good stuff - enjoy your week off.

  8. fun way of doing it,
    loved the loop and cheers!

  9. How wonderful. Your poem had a strangely calming effect. Thanks, I needed that.
