
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Summer Stock Sunday - 26

My vintage look at summer for Summer Stock Sunday, hosted by Robin at Around the Island.

Since much of North America has been suffering through a rather sizzling summer, here's a visual cool-down for those of you who would rather fry your eggs in a pan instead of on the sidewalk.

Here on Canada's east coast, summer can mean waking up to fog, drizzle and mist. That's why everyone here dresses by the layers code. Lightweight weatherproof jackets that won't turn cumbersome are perfect when the fog burns off and the sun comes blazing out.

Back in the day - the early 1970's - just before Gore-Tex became the clothing material of choice for Maritimers - denim was the go-to all-weather layer. Here my dad strikes his version of the Marlboro Man pose during a trip he took to Newfoundland with my uncle.

I love the low-lying fog out by the far shore in this shot, and the stunted trees hugging the land from the unrelenting wind coming in from the sea. Very likely this shot was taken by my Uncle Charlie.

Anne MacFarlane says Love those summer days that start off with fog rolling in from the water, then slowly the sun shines through! Like a nice big yellow surprise!

Gattina says In Belgium too we have to dress like an onion, like we say, and then you take the layers off or put them on depending if it gets warm or cold, lol!

Dianne says Fog, drizzle and mist sounds so good right now!! :)


  1. Love those summer days that start off with fog rolling in from the water, then slowly the sun shines through! Like a nice big yellow surprise!

  2. what a great picture. i too love the fog accent in the background. i'll bet the sun doesn't peek through until late morning. hope all is well.

  3. For a moment there I thought I was looking at a picture of Robert Goulet you'd captured during his younger years visiting Canada!

  4. In Belgium too we have to dress like an onion, like we say, and then you take the layers off or put them on depending if it gets warm or cold, lol !

  5. Sounds a bit like England - we can have all the seasons in the same day! LOL

  6. fog, drizzle and mist sounds so good right now!! :)

  7. Down here in New England it's been cool in the mornings and evenings but lovely during the day most days (she says while spitting three times, knocking on wood, throwing salt over her shoulder, etc.). Israel's been stifling though - I always say the best place in Israel to be in August is NOT.

    My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!
