
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Thursday Thirteen - 170 - 13 Things You'd Find in Peredur's World

Today's Thursday Thirteen is a collection of images that are foremost in my mind as I work on my vampire work in progress. This story follows a Dark Age Welsh warrior who becomes a vampire.

1 - Round hut

2 - Sword

3 - Cloak brooch

4 - Spear

5 - Pewter ring

6 - Vampires

7 - Caverns

8 - Blood

9 - An angel

10 - Initiation tree

11 - Spells

12 - Silver chains

13 - Bone amulet

Ann Pino says I like that round hut.

Adelle Laudan says Great idea. I just might steal it. Sounds like the makings of a great book.

Travis Cody says I'm always curious about the vampire culture a writer chooses to utilize. Would you say your vampires are more in the Ann Rice culture, Bram Stoker culture, or some combined varietal?


  1. I loved seeing the visual elements of your story. What a great idea for a TT, Julia.

  2. wonderful collection and i can see potential for other writing ideas to further your story. hope all is well.

  3. Very interesting stuff!

    Enjoy your Thursday!

  4. I would love to get my hands on that cloak broach.

  5. Nice pictures. Again your story sounds intriguing.

  6. Great idea. I just might steal it. Sounds like the makings of a great book. Happy Belated T13!

  7. You may have introduced this work in the past and answered this question, so forgive me for asking again. I'm always curious about the vampire culture a writer chooses to utilize.

    Would you say your vampires are more in the Ann Rice culture, Bram Stoker culture, or some combined varietal?

  8. Travis - This is an extremely hard question to answer! My husband says, "It's its own vintage."

    I would say the culture perhaps most closely resembles the one in the Underworld film series. The regular vampires in my culture have a lord who rules them.

    My main character belongs to a group somewhat like the Talamasca from Ann Rice's The Witching Hour.
