
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nearly Wordless Wednesday - 194

Day 11! of the A to Z Challenge brings us back to my photography feature, hosted by Wordless Wednesday.

Normally, Wordless Wednesday is exactly that - a posting of an image that speaks for itself. But sometimes a few words are required.

Like today - because today, K is for Kelly Boyce, debut western historical romance author with Carina Press.

Kelly and I joined our local chapter of Romance Writers of America around the same time.

She has generously driven me to almost every meeting since then, as well as out to the yearly retreat, has been my roomie, my lunch partner, dinner partner, party partner, and general cheerleader and cherished friend.

So Kelly - as you celebrate your dream-come-true with the release of your first book next week - I raise a glass of our favorite pinot grigio.

To Kelly.


  1. What a blessing to have a wonderful writing friend. Love the pictures!

  2. I love these pictures. You and Kelly sound like you have a really wonderful friendship. This is a beautiful celebration in pictures.

    Congratulations, Kelly! May you have sales to the stars.
