
Friday, March 27, 2015

5 on Friday -- Set 265 -- The Lion Edition

Spinning Friday tunes since 2010...

For anyone who wants to join in, simply choose five pieces of music and post them for other bloggers to enjoy. Then check out the set posted by the other 5 on Friday blogger -- you can sign in over at Golch Central's Rambling Stuff.

It's set to snow tomorrow.

Here in Nova Scotia, we've already experienced a record-breaking winter. That's me doing an archaeological dig to free my mom's car from all the snow during the massive 'March Madness' storm in mid-March. The Ides of March, actually.

My city is still buried under three feet of snow, which includes several layers of cement-like ice, created during a storm that included a mix of freezing rain.

To say that folks in these parts aren't looking forward to another 15 cm/half a foot of snow is putting it mildly.

For myself, I'm the sort of person who thinks a March snowfall is just as pretty as a Christmastime December snowfall. I tend to keep that to myself, however, out of respect for the Seasonal Affective Disorder people who see the snow and experience a wave of depression.

This year, that old saying 'In like a lion, out like a lamb' seems to have gone on strike. March arrived roaring like the most ferocious lion imaginable, and is certainly refusing to go gently into that good night.

For this week's 5 on Friday, I give you the Lion Edition.

1 - The Lion Sleeps Tonight - The Tokens 

2 - Wondering Where the Lions Are - Bruce Cockburn 

3 - Lion in the Morning Sun - Will and The People 

4 - Iron Lion Zion - Bob Marley

5 - Jungle Lion - Lee Perry and The Upsetters 

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