
Saturday, September 8, 2007

Simple Joys

After a marathon lawn mowing day, I tottered painfully through the grocery store with Brad. I was so exhausted and sore, I 'pushed' the cart - or hung onto it so I wouldn't sag to the ground - while Brad retrieved items from the shelves, loaded up the groceries at the counter and filled up the trunk with our weekly supplies.

But it was a joyful shopping experience for me. I had enough money in my wallet to cover what we needed. Not only that, Brad told me he had enough money in his wallet to cover what we needed. If this had been five years ago, we would have been pooling whatever money we had left over from keeping our noses above water. We would have had a brief discussion about upcoming things we might need to hold back some of the grocery money to cover.

Then we would have gone up and down the aisles, putting some things in the cart while I added every cent and rounded it up to cover tax at the end. As we neared our limit, we would retrace our steps and put items back in favor of something more critical.

Even then, I was grateful that we were still able to buy our own food. And that I had a mom who kept making delicious dishes for four when she was only cooking for two, giving us the leftovers (which she still does. She doesn't know how to cook for less than family size.)

But today, as I limped along, not having to add things up as we went, as the cashier rang up our purchases and I didn't have to nervously watch the subtotal in case I had to ask her to take something off the order, I sighed happily inside many times over.

Going out on a Saturday night with my husband to get groceries may not sound like a joy, but tonight it felt sublime.


  1. The Man and I always shop together (with The Boy of course). It's family time for us.

    I remember having almost no cash for groceries. When I made it to the bottom of the basket within pennies of what was in my wallet, I said "Whew, just made it." The cashier said, "You didn't just make it. You budgeted perfectly."

    It was a heady rush.

  2. A beautiful post. I love grocery shopping with my man. Always have.

  3. I love the way you've used a trip to the supermarket to reflect on the changes in your life.

    I rarely grocery shop with my husband. Our styles are too different. We get on each other's nerves.

  4. The Tour Manager and I used to grocery shop all the time together. I loved it.

    But as the kids have gotten older, it's become my only guaranteed writing time, so ...

    Sounds like you're making progress, Julia. That's exciting news.

  5. DH used to tell me he hated going to the store because he never had enough for all he needed. After we got married and I took over finances, he started loving it. No longer did he have to watch what he spent. Simple pleasures. Good observation, Julie.

  6. MWM hates shopping but has been doing it whilst I've been imobile. He's so good at it - the bill is always twice as much when I do it - he's going to carry on doing it now I'm back at work!

  7. And it's five years later, you made it through those lean times and your relationship with your dear man is intact. Life is REALLY good and your glass is better than half full. I'd say your cup runneth over. Great post!

  8. Shopping with enough money is always a nice thing. I can remember a time when I had to add things up to the dime, too - sucked!

  9. Your post made me smile. It's a wonderful gift to appreciate the simple things and to have someone to share it with.

  10. I love grocery shopping. A whole store filled with nothing but food. It's second in line to the bookstore for my favorite happy place.

  11. This posting is perfect! I've been there and know exactly what you mean!


  12. I've soooooo been there...
    But my dh has never seen the inside of a grocery store! It's better that way -- or we'd be eating Cheetos for breakfast ;)

  13. I can relate to your memories; something I'm going through at the moment. Such a sense of achievement though when you've got through the week on the money you have and such excitement when you find a bargain :o)

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