
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Poetry Train Monday - 84 - I Found Myself Crying

My Aunt Sheila was also my godmother, and we had a very tender, very precious relationship. The ring she wore in the picture below was her anniversary ring, and she left it to me, which was a hard thing to put on my finger once it was mine.

But she wore it every day, and so I wore it every day. I got over the pain in my heart when I looked down on my hand and saw her ring there, and grew to love its daily presence in my life. Shining at me as her love shone always for me.

I'm having the claws repaired at the moment, and I miss its weight on my hand. Her family in Virginia - her husband's people - miss their contact with my aunt's people - we here in Nova Scotia. My mom still writes to them, and this Christmas she received a card and letter from Aunt Sheila's sister-in-law, Marge.

I've turned her letter into this next effort in my found poetry series.

I Found Myself Crying

Was sitting here waiting on your card
I knew it would come
So how's everyone?

Around here about the same
I've still got my head thing
Can't even spell it
You know what I'm talking about

I never see Frank much

He moved and
Doesn't come by much

It's a long story

I miss Sheila
I found myself crying, few days ago

How's Warren?
He called me way, way back
Not heard anything from him
How's Louie? And Charlie?
Nice family
I'll not forget you all

For you and brothers were so sweet
When you all came on
Such a

My kids are well
...but I feel good...
But age gets away with us


Hope you all had a nice holiday
Keep in touch
I've got a B-day on Jan. 27
Born in '41
Guess I'm getting old


Tell your children
A great hello
And hope you all could
Come down and see Sheila's grave

Frank got her tombstone

For the grave

Take care

And love you all

- Marge, Dec. 2008

Ride the Poetry Train!


  1. That brought tears to my eyes.

    So many are poets living day-to-day,
    not realizing the beauty in their own words.

  2. i love how she repeats the name "paulette"--there's so much loss and love in this, it's real and honest

  3. Poignant. Lovely. And I liked the way you did a poem as a letter.

  4. Beautiful, Julia! I'm sorry for your loss.

    I have my sister's emerald necklace that I have worn every day since her death 4 years ago. If I'm having a particularly stressful day, just touching this stone makes me feel better.

  5. wow, i love your 'found' series. this is really touching.

  6. That was a beautiful post Julia. x

  7. Oh, that's lovely, my friend.

    As for Kermit, this is the most we've seen him. As I said in my intro, he's usually being run in circles by the boys. I'd point you to the posts, but the Tour Manager hasn't reformatted them since the switch from Blogger.

  8. Such a lovely tribute. The style is without pretense. Lovely.

  9. Love the transcription - it's very sharp and precise.
    Well done!

  10. Everything is in here... life, loss, love. Beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing it, Julia.

  11. Oh Julia,
    Tears of empathy from me. I, too, have a ring from a precious relative who died when I was in college. Your words shine like her ring, emanating the glow of love between you, both in your preface and your poem. The letter form/conversation "catch-up chatter" you used makes this even more personal, as well as the repetition. (Here from Poetry Train)

    Hugs around you,

  12. I agree with SP "it's real and honest." I can hear the voice, love the repetition. What a great exercise, thanks for sharing!

  13. endearing post of everyday lives... the photo of her gravesite is truly a beautiful place full of color and the light is as a rainbow...
