
Friday, January 16, 2009

Anti Resolutions Meme

I tagged myself for this Anti Resolutions Meme which I found over at Rightmyer Rants.

The rules:
• List ten things you resolve not to do in the upcoming year.
• Be as creative as possible.
• Post them on your blog and leave a link to your blog in your comments to this post - oh, and invite other writers you know to either visit Bobbi's post - or mine - or yours - or all of them and post their links to them.

As you may have noticed, I didn't post any resolutions for 2009. I did post some for 2008.

My tally? I managed to accomplish 7 out of the 13 things listed.

I'll have to make sure I don't repeat any of the Things I'll Take A Pass On.

Okay - let's see, now. In 2009 I resolve not to:

Photo by Eric Draper

1 - wonder what could have gone through George W. Bush's mind while the people around him were praying.

2 - be so rabid about recycling. Will the odd soup can tossed in the garbage really make that much difference?

3 - chat up the bus driver, the newspaper guy, the coffee guy, the cashier who rings me through each morning, the courier, the building maintenance guy, the ferry attendent...and find out their actual names or anything about them. I need my anonymity in this small city. And then there's my friend Judy - now that's a whole other story. I think she knows every person in downtown Halifax. Too much information for me, Judy.

4 - spend so much time on writer loops. But how can I live if I don't know who said what about whom?

5 - get hooked on riveting reality TV like True Beauty.

6 - spend more than an hour watching one of the Diamonelle Hours on The Shopping Channel.

7 - mull over which new shades of nail polish I just have to try out. Jessica Nail Confident Coral? Sally Hansen Hot Pink? Chanel Kaleidoscope Silver Metallic? Why do I have to pick just three?

8 - spend $300.00 on a trip to the hairdresser. Like I would if I went to Fred over in Halifax. Is it possible to send out the message that I value myself if I don't encase my brilliant mind with a brilliant 'do?

9 - renew my Hedonism Loyalty Program membership.

10 - keep my WIP waiting while I get the kitchen spiffed up, clean as a whistle.

Don't imagine that this is my kitchen. But it is the kitchen I imagine...

Now, a-tagging I will go, a-tagging I will go...

Sans Pantaloons


  1. Hehehe - great anti-resolutions! Fun, wasn't it??

  2. I failed miserably with my one resolution last year! I made the same resolution this year and two weeks in it's going well. I have a great incentive to spur me on thought which I will post about next week.

    Loved your list, it made me laugh.:)

  3. Sorry I missed this Julia. I shall do my best not to do certain things that are as yet undecided in 2009. Maybe... I think.

  4. Interesting spin on the resolution thing I don't do anymore. How about I resolve not to make any resolutions and can I leave it at that?



  5. Oh - the ANTI-Resolution Revolution - I LOVE it!!

    I'll post mine later this week... must give it some good thought :)

  6. Anti-resolutions eh? Would we have to give minimum or maximum effort at achieving or not achieving them?

    I believe the answer is yes and now.


    I shall put this in the queue and give it some thought...or not.


  7. That was a fun post. I like the idea of anti-resolutions.

    Congratulations to your cousin on her new book!

  8. How funny you are, Julia! Great anti-resolutions! To h--- with resolutions! :)

  9. Now anti-resolutions is something I could do. Your list made me smile and I laughed at the kitchen one. *grin* You know that photo is of my kitchen, right?

  10. Great job, Julia! I might just tag myself for this one -- looks like fun! :)
