
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thursday Thirteen - 112 - 13 of My Favorite Classical Pieces

1 - Bach's Air on a G String

2 - Satie's Gymnopédie No. 1

3 - Chopin's Prelude in D Flat Major, Op. 28, No. 15 - The Raindrop

4 - Tchaikovsky's Grand Pas de Deux from The Nutcracker

5 - Prokofiev's The Arrival at the Ball from Cinderella

CLICK HERE for the clip

6 - Tchaikovsky's Finale from Swan Lake

7 - Prokofiev's Tomb Scene from Romeo and Juliet

9 - Puccini's E lucevan le stelle from Tosca

10 - Mozart's Rex Tremendae Majestatis from his Requiem

11 - Orff's O Fortuna from Carmina Burana

12 - Holst's Mars, the Bringer of War from The Planets

13 - Wagner's Siegfried funeral march from Götterdämmerung

Janet says My nana would've LOVED this post!

Leah Braemel says I own every single one of them.

Anthony North says It certainly brings out the emotions.


  1. my nana would've LOVED this post!

  2. Oh, yes! Such gorgeous music. :)

  3. Great selection, Julia! (And I own every single one of them.)

  4. I don't listen to classical much, but when I do, it certainly brings out the emotions.

  5. Wow. Great stuff!

    Happy TT!

  6. This is just glorious I could stay here all day Sandy

  7. Marvelous collection here! Wish I had time to linger and listen ... but if I do that I'll not get to many blogs in the limited time I have available to me.
    Hugs and blessings,

  8. Some of those wonderful melodies are familiar, but others are new to me. Thank you for introducing me to Orff

  9. Even though I took a class in classical music in college (fascinating stuff, all the structure and whatnot involved), I know so little about it. I really ought to listen to more of it and keep track of what I do -- and don't! -- like. So much of it is so inspirational. *sigh*

  10. I love Carmina Burana! I also love Moonlight Sonata... Is it okay to have two absolute favorites? They have completely different moods. hehe

  11. I shall return during the weekend to take some time with these.

  12. Gah! Came here when my toddler is asleep beside me and I dare not plunge into the classical goodness! Must come back next chance I have to sit by myself with a big mug of earl gray...

    hey -what do you think of the CD 'Opera Babes'? I was surprised how much I liked it

  13. I can´t listen to all your wonders right now, but I love Bach´s Air very much. My daughter plays it on the piano.
