Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I was all set to mail out my assortment of Nova Scotia goodies to Scotland for fun and a laugh, when the eagle-eyed postal clerk saw me about to drop two fridge magnets into the box she'd just put together for me. She then informed me that magnets are prohibited items as far as Canada Post is concerned.

She had a laminated visual aid in case I had trouble following her logic. Reluctantly I removed the magnets from the box, as they were the initial reason for doing this cultural exchange in the first place. But having worked in customer service for many a year, I will never give another worker a hard time for doing her job. I mailed off the stuff that is not in the "Class 9 – Miscellaneous" section of the Canada Post grid outlining "Dangerous Goods". Although on the visual aid the drawing was more like those red U-shaped magnets that could hold up a bike. Don't think fridge magnets are meant to hold up appliances.

Now for my plotting and scheming. How to sneak my fridge magnets through the mail and across the sea...


Amy Ruttan said...

Magnets are illegal. Well, I hate to break it to Canada post but authors have been sending me magnets for the TRW conference. Whoops.

Maybe just pack them previous and don't get the same postal girl. ;)

Kailana said...

Yeah, that girls crazy. She is trying to be TOO good at her job. I can ask, though, my mother actually works at the post office. Even if you don't want to know, now I am curious. haha

Anonymous said...

this is about my script...

well... I'm following a strict story script that forbids any use of camera notation
as for the quote marks
i know
but my formatinf wouldnt translate over and i didn't know who'd know what was right and what wasn't
This is actaully formatted in final draft on my laptop

thanks for the comment

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Kailana, could you get back to me on the magnet thing? Someone's waiting impatiently for a lobster fridge magnet! He must not be denied.

Camille Alexa said...

I scoff at magnet madness.

Sans Pantaloons said...

Julia, sorry I did not read this earlier. I will email you.