Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Wordless Wednesday - 12


Suprina said...

Love the angle of this photo!

Happy WW!

Sevan said...

very cool

Anonymous said...

I like candid shots like this. Just a little reminder that life goes on.

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

I like this shot- nice angle!

Anonymous said...

Piece of life... I like the angle and the B&W effect on that shot! :-)

Happy WW!

The Chick said...

Love and white is always so cool.

Sue said...

Cool photo.

Happy WW and thanks for visiting!

Karina said...

Very cool...has a "Matrix" kind of feel to it.

Anonymous said...

I love this B&W...they happen to be my favorite!


Camille Alexa said...

Didn't you get a camera?

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Camille, my mom and I have just gotten a lovely digital camera but I haven't figured out how to download pictures yet. We've been taking lots of shots, though! Techno baby steps for me.

MomOf4 said...

Very interesting picture! I like the angle too. Happy WW!

jams o donnell said...

Great photo! Happy WW

RUTH said...

An interesting photo. Happy WW