Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - 139

Gattina says What I saw are two screens and one keyboard, lol !

Auntie E says Now that's how I work sometimes, lol. Two or three is better than one. Get twice as much done.

Daddy Forever says Sounds like your uncle is a very creative guy!


Julia Phillips Smith said...

This is my Uncle Charlie working in his editing suite. Behind him on the wall is one of his driftwood art photography pieces.

Join me tomorrow for my Thursday Thirteen featuring more art work by my uncle.

Akelamalu said...

That's a nice workplace your Uncle Charlie has. :)

Brooke said...

I wish I was as organized as him at my desk.. Although mine isn't for editing and work soooo that's my excuse.... Was trying to get a look at the driftwood photo but couldn't get a good look... hmmm I'm going to try and click the photo and see if that works..

Ingrid said...

What I saw are two screens and one keyboard, lol !

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Gattina - He needs the two screens when he's working on editing a production. He grabs scenes from one screen and places them in sequence in the other. But he only needs one keyboard to work everything.

Auntie E said...

Now that how I work sometimes,lol. Two or three is better than one. Get twice as much done.
My WW link for you

Daddy Forever said...

Sounds like your uncle is a very creative guy!

Phylameana said...

Indeed, very organized. I could use a page out of his playbook. May I should start by getting a clipboard, wait, I have one somewhere... but where?

Robin said...

I'm very intrigued by the driftwood photo. Any chance of a blowup?

SandyCarlson said...

Looks like he enjoys his music, too. I like the snack trays for the keyboard. Not too many desks actually accommodate a keyboard and monitor head on like that.

Travis Cody said...

I have a double screen set up at work and I love it. It makes things so much easier with the kind of work I do. I can have my system of record open on one screen, and my search documents on another.

Transactions made simpler!

The Unbreakable Child said...

Great workplace your Uncle has, Julia!