Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - 95

Annette says Our daughter planted a bunch of bulbs - now I'm wondering if the squirrels got them. :-(

Akelamalu remembers that one spring I labouriously planted 200 only to see a squirrel digging them up! I could have cheerfully strangled it with my bare hands! :(

WillThink4Wine says I use to have the bulb-stealing squirrel problem, but then I moved to a Pecan Orchard!


Annette Gallant said...

Are these from your yard? Very pretty. Definitely a good sign that winter is over.

Our daughter planted a bunch of bulbs in the fall but nothing has come up yet. Hmmm, now I'm wondering if the squirrels got them. :-(

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Annette - we've had squirrels making off with quite a few bulbs in the past, but now there are enough bulbs established that they're replicating themselves. Yes, these are in the front garden right beside the steps.

jams o donnell said...

That's a wonderful sight.. Spring is spring! Happy WW

Akelamalu said...

I remember one spring I labouriously planted 200 all around my garden only to look out of the window later in the day to see a squirrel digging them up! I could have cheerfully strangled it with my bare hands! :(

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I planted 100 tulip bulbs and the squirrels got all but about 5. I think I'm going to try daffodils next time. Spring is indeed coming!!!! Yay!

Mike Minzes said...

What a wonderful picture!

From your comment on my blog:

Hi Julia. I agree that writers use the ego-driven conflict to make their stories, but there is a better way to write without using that method.
That ego driven conflict requirement is actually an effect of the ego and it limits your potental as a writer.
The greatest writers in the world aviod the classic ego-driven conflict, as they were taught people want. Instead they write to what people need, rather than what they want.
There DOES NOT have to be conflict in a story to attract readers. That is what the main stream ego driven publishing industry created. That does not mean that it exists. Publishing comapnies have gotten writers so worried about sales and best seller lists that the true nature of the writer has been clouded and the story actually suffered from it.

An effect of writing without conflict is why so many self-help books make the best seller list. These writers are not concerned with the outcome. Instead they just write down what comes from their heart. What comes from the heart comes from the spirit and ego has no place there.

I'm not saying go out and write self-help books. What I am saying is make your stories more in tune with the Truth and forget the outcome. The readers will come. Dettach from ego and the outcome and just write what comes in spirit.

Ire said...

Very the colours!

Unknown said...

Pretty! I plant several dozen bulbs every year, but - knock on wood - I haven't had any problems with squirrels.

Barb said...

I use to have the bulb-stealing squirrel problem, but then I moved to a Pecan Orchard! Thousands for the taking!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Jams - A wonderful sight indeed. That area was covered under two feet of snow for three solid months.

Akelamalu - I'm beginning to see a trend in today's comments...and it's not looking good for the squirrels...

Sniz - Your tulip-bulb-nappers were really industrious. Why won't they pull weeds instead?

Mike - perhaps conflict and the manner in which a person or character deals with it is such a transformational process, it's too irresistable for writers and readers alike.

Nikki - I like the one yellow one among its purple brethren.

Bobbi - my sister and her boyfriend planted a whole bunch over here for us two years ago, and they have really multiplied this year. They love gardening so much they can't stop once they start.

WillThink4Wine - a pecan orchard sounds heavenly!

Travis Cody said...

My neighbor graciously grooms and maintains the areas around our condo. I'm not physically able to do it anymore, and my Lady just doesn't have the time.

Gattina said...

First spring signs ! beautiful ! I would plant them for squirrels, we have so few here !