Friday, May 28, 2010

5 on Friday - Set 16

For today's 5 on Friday, I'd like to share five songs by Garbage, an alternative band that appeals to my badass side.

For more great tune-age, head over to Trav's Thoughts.

1 - Lick the Pavement

I learn to bribe
I learn to say please
Oh, won't you
Lick the pavement for me?

I like you best
When you're on your knees

- Erickson / Manson / Marker / Vig, 1998

2 - I'm Only Happy When it Rains

I'm only happy when it rains
I'm only happy when it's complicated
And though I know you can't appreciate it
I'm only happy when it rains

Pour your misery down on me

- Erickson / Manson / Marker / Vig, 1995

CLICK HERE to watch the clip

3 - Hammering in My Head

Sweat it all out
Sweat it all out
With your bedroom eyes
And your baby pouts

Sweat it all out
In our electric storms
And our shifting sands
Our candy jars
And our sticky hands

- Erickson / Manson / Marker / Vig, 1998

4 - Special

Do you have an opinion?
A mind of your own
I thought you were special
I thought you should know

But I've run out of patience
I've run out of comments
I'm tired of the violence
I couldn't care less

- Erickson / Manson / Marker / Vig, 1998

5 - You Look So Fine

You look so fine
I want to
Break your heart
And give you mine
You're taking me over

It's so insane
You've got me
Tethered and chained
I hear your name
And I'm falling over

Knocked down
Cried out
Been down
Just to find out
I'm through
Living for you

- Erickson / Manson / Marker / Vig, 1998

Jamie says Okay nothing like a touch of Domination with a tinge of S & M on the side to start the Friday of a long weekend. :-)

Linda says I do believe that Jamie said it perfectly! This is what I love about this meme, it gives me a chance to listen to music that I may not have heard otherwise and broaden my horizons a little each week.

Mary says Oh Julia, I like them!


Durward Discussion said...

Okay nothing like a touch of Domination with a tinge of S & M on the side to start the Friday of a long weekend. :-) That was actually fun. Thanks for the introduction.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Jamie - LOL! It tends to come out in my fiction writing, somewhat...

Linda said...

I do believe that Jamie said it perfectly!

This is what I love about this meme, it gives me a chance to listen to music that I may not have heard otherwise and broaden my horizons a little each week. And I've done just that yet with your choices for this week! "I'm Only Happy When It Rains" gets the nod this week for my favorite out of the five.

Have a nice Memorial Day weekend!

maryt/theteach said...

Oh Julia, I like them! The Manson in the credit for the songs isn't Charles Manson is it? Ha! :)

Debby said...

LOL..I do not know the band..Thanks for sharing, have a great weekend.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Linda - I love the discovery aspect of this meme, too, Linda! You gave me a great one with Moloko's Sing it Back, from the Jude Law film soundtrack set you had a few weeks ago.

Mary - LOL! No - the Manson is lead singer Shirley Manson. She hails from Scotland, but the rest of the band is from the US.

Debby - Hope I didn't scare you!

Naquillity said...

i love that last song 'You Look So Fine'. still, i can't see the lead singer as anything but one wicked robot from Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles TV series. she was one to be reckoned with. did you see the series before they canceled it?

have a great day.

M. said...

Hi Julia - am having twitter issues so couldn't tweet to say I'm following you now. Looking forward to your pearls of micro-wisdom1

Travis Cody said...

I wasn't sure.

I kept listening.

Still wasn't sure.

But I kept listening.

And so I got to the 4th tune.

And liked it.

Which got me to listen to the 5th tune.

And I liked it too.