Sunday, June 5, 2011

Summer Stock Sunday - 34

For the third year running, here comes one of my favorite bloggy events - Robin's Summer Stock Sunday meme.

She invites all to post summery photos and visit other bloggers who share their feelings and memories about this magical season.

Last year I decided to post only vintage photos for this feature. They were so enthusiastically received that this year I'll keep 'em coming.

This shot was taken by my dad in the late 70s, while I was in my Little House on the Prairie obsessive phase.

I still have these phases. They're a part of my creative process. It's all good.

Anyway, because I used to obsess about Laura Ingalls' red calico dress and her 19th century boots, my mom indulged her sewing/costuming cravings and made me and my sister our own Little House dresses.

I still have this dress. It's hanging in my closet at this very moment.


Come Away With Me said...

That is a very summery photo. I remember the Laura Ingalls all her books when I was about 10 and watched the shows when they first came on TV. But I never had the special pleasure of a Laura Ingalls dress!

Robin said...

It's a beautiful photo Julia, and yes, very summery. I'm so glad you're playing along again this year :).

I loved Laura and everything about the Little House series - books and tv show. I'd have loved to have had that dress.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

SouthLakesMom said...

Oh -- I loved Laura too! When we lived in Kansas and had "pioneer days" I pretended to be Laura! I could never get my sister to pretend to be Mary though because she was afraid to go blind!

GREAT summer photo!

Tania said...

So beautiful with all these flowers around!
I remember "Little House on the Prairie" was one of my favorite on TV.
Happy Sunday!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Sara - I shared the Little House set of books with my sister. Read and reread them.

Robin - Don't worry - I knew I was lucky to have a mom that could sew a replica 19th century dress for me!

South Lakes Mom - 'I could never get my sister to pretend to be Mary though because she was afraid to go blind!' - LOL! That's hilarious. We always played Little House role play games. My dad always appreciated it because we would rake the grass, pretending to work on the 'farm'.

Spiderdama - I've got some of those flowers in my garden today, but alas, not an entire field of them. They're called Devil's Paintbrush.

Leora said...

We (my daughter and I) are big Laura fans. Love the flowers in this shot. It reminds me a bit of Christina's World by Andrew Wyeth, which is sadder than your photo.

Mama Pajama said...

Awesome. Great dress, great photo - thanks again!

Susan Kane said...

Calico still stirs up a memory of prairies, flowers, Michael Landon. I love the photo.

Travis Cody said...

Must be a girl thing, eh? My little sister wasn't a big reader, but she loved the Little House books. I think she read them because of the TV show.

I'll have to ask if she shared her love of the books with my niece, who is 11 going on 12.