Thursday, November 6, 2008

Scroll down for Thursday Thirteen - Blogblast For Peace - Dona Nobis Pacem 2 - Grant Us Peace

Celebrate Peace today. Mimi Lenox invites all who yearn for Peace to send our wish into the universe today.

The choir of the Rock of Victory Fellowship Church of Chicago, Illinois, USA sends out my call to all of you - We Shall Overcome.


Michelle said...

oooh, that was a great choice of song. Really gets to you!

Happy peace day. :-)

Bud Fisher said...

What a terrific Peace Globe. Peace to you and those you love...

Sandee said...

Peace to you and yours honey. Lots of hugs too. :)

Ivanhoe said...

Peace and love to you from Ohio :o)

j said...

Excellent Peace post. Wishing you a peace filled day.

Akelamalu said...

Great choice of song and a terrific Peace Globe. Peace to you and yours Julia.

Travis Cody said...

Peace to you and yours.

~*~Patty S said...

Very powerful blog blast for Peace!
Sending *Peace*Love*Light* to ALLL!!!

Thomma Lyn said...

Peace to you and yours! I love the video and your lovely peace globe. (((((hugs))))) to you, my friend. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful choice song for peace :)

HeatherK said...

we shall over come, that is nice,

Robin said...

Yes, we will.

Peace to you and to us all, today and every day.

Unknown said...

Peace from Ontario, hon! Man, I miss you guys...

Kim said...

beautiful quote Julia...
may Peace be with you :)

Mimi Lenox said...

What an inspirational video! Wow! This really pepped me up and made me do a little dance in the castle today. I'm reading through all the peace posts and smiling...crying....absorbing...and feeling hopeful.

Thank you for being such an integral part of this community.

Peace to you and yours,

Unknown said...

I have to say I stumbled on your blog while looking for the lyrics to a song my dad always sings while we're playing cards. Whenever he's got a queen, he starts humming or singing "The Strip Polka." He can never remember all the the words, so I made a point of looking it up on the internet. He'll be surprised when I start singing along with him next time we play cards!

Bobby Revell said...

Peace be with you Julia! I love your peace globe:)

Anonymous said...

Great vid! I'd love to see that man conduct a classical orchestra!

Lux said...

Peace to you (& thanks for stopping by)! :)

Lizza said...

Very powerful, hope-filled words!

Peace to you and yours.

Dianne said...

that song played such a big part of my growing up and still resonates today

we progress, slowly, but we are moving forward

I hope everyone pushes it along

Karl and Ruis said...

Hi Julia,
thanks for visiting our blog. No problem if you want to post our peace globe we are honored! Just link back to us:
Peace to you!
Karl and Ruis

Raven said...

Great globe and song. Thanks for your kind words over at Raven's place. You are more than welcome to copy my globe and use it as you see fit. Peace.

Carol said...

Great video and peace globe! I love that song.

Yes, you may use my globe. Thanks for asking!

Peace to you this beautiful fall evening.