Sunday, August 7, 2011

Summer Stock Sunday - 40

Robin's Summer Stock Sunday meme invites all to post summery photos, and to visit other bloggers who share their feelings and memories about this magical season.

In the 1980s, I'd moved from the east coast of Canada to Toronto, where I worked as a nanny for several years before going to film school.

The family I worked for spent summers at their cottage on Georgian Bay in the Espanola area of Northern Ontario.

Since I was a live-in nanny, and since I became an extra part of the family, they took me along with them to the cottage, both summers I worked for them. It was AWESOME.

In the shot above - taken by Rob - it's me in the water in front, Donna sitting in the inner tube, and her daughter Claire on her lap.

That's me with Claire on the deck overlooking the lake and waiting for Rob to barbeque something delicious for supper. Shot taken by Donna.

My bed was along the wall of picture windows overlooking this same view. When everyone had gone to bed, I would lay in the dark listening to my Sony Walkman, watching the moon come up a little farther along the lake each night, and enjoying the star show uncluttered by city light spill.

These two Georgian Bay vacations are among my best memories of the 13 years I lived in Toronto.


Unknown said...

Julia, looks like some really great memories

Julia Phillips Smith said...

It was amazing there, Anne. Like a Group of Seven painting, everywhere you looked.

Akelamalu said...

Sounds like a fabulous job with fabulous holidays!

sheila said...


Unknown said...

It really looks like you had a blast. These are great photos. Thanks for sharing!

Come Away With Me said...

What beautiful night skies you must have enjoyed looking out those windows!

Robin said...

What a glorious place to spend summers - lucky you!

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Hugh said...

Thanks for the post, pretty worthwhile info.
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