Saturday, July 25, 2009

Summer Stock Sunday - 9

Last week I brought you the story of Rashid Kamalov and my attachment to the Russian tall ship Kruzenshtern.

For today's Summer Stock Sunday, I invite you to take a harbourside spot and enjoy the 2009 Parade of Sail.

Incredible but true - I work right on the waterfront, and headed out among the throng when my lunch break started at 12:00. I snagged a spot beside the wharf where all the navy brass and other dignitaries were sitting.

That meant that I was in the right spot to get a ship's gun salute each time one of the tall ships passed. And Halifax had a gun in place to return the salute. I just loved it.

Two fire boats began their celebratory spray - the signal that the parade was officially started.

As the host country, the parade's lead ship was the schooner Bluenose II. That's her in the background behind the piper.

If you've ever had a Canadian dime in your hand, you were looking at the Bluenose II.

And here's the real thing.

The Pride of Baltimore II gives Halifax its salute.

Our navy guys return the salute with a farewell.

The Netherlands' Europa glides past the Nova Scotia Hospital, a mental health facility on the Dartmouth side of the harbour. I watched the 2007 Parade of Sail from there.

The Amistad heads out for open water.

The rigging of the Picton Castle towers over the crowd as the three-masted barque sails past.

The Picton Castle

US Coast Guard training ship, the Eagle

At this point, my lunch hour was over and I had to head reluctantly back to work. The Kruzenshtern hadn't made an appearance yet, as she always ends the parade as the last out of the harbour.

One of my friends at work dashed out at 2:00, saying, "The Russian one's going now!"

Desperate, I called another woman from my team to cover my position for five minutes so I could dash out and get a final look at the Kruzenshtern.

Ah. There she was. Even missing the top of her foremast, which broke off on the way up the eastern seaboard, between Bermuda and South Carolina, she's still a grand lady.

I hurried back inside, but my manager knew I was chomping at the bit to get back out there. He gave me the okay to watch the end of the Parade of Sail. So out I went again, snapping away with my camera.

The Mist of Avalon leans into the wind, followed by the sloop Fazizi, and in the distance the Silva, whose home port is Halifax.

The Harvey Gamage is followed by the Unicorn, with the Kruzenshtern in the distance.

The Sagres, from Portugal.

This is me standing beside the Sagres when she was moored near the Kruzenshtern. Just wanted you to get a peek at the red-cross-detailing on the front of her sails.

Brasil's Cisne Branco rounds the final corner as she heads out to sea. Following her is my final moments with the Kruzenshtern - can you tell I dread the farewell?

The Cisne Branco.

Until we meet again...

For more Summer Stock Sunday, drop by Robin's blog at Around the Island.

Robin says All those tall ships have me itching to reread the Master and Commander series.

Dina says I enjoyed your series very much. Fancy all those in one place, super ships...

Akelamalu says I will content myself with your great photos of the event. :)


Robin said...

What a glorious sight to see, how wonderful that you work right there. All those tall ships have me itching to reread the Master and Commander series, though I'm glad my upcoming transatlantic journey will take "only" twelve hours! (For the first leg, then another 2 hour flight followed by a 2 hour drive. Sigh.)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your series very much.
Fancy all those in one place, super ships...
Lucky you working there...:-)))

Ginger said...

Awesome photos of Awe Inspiring ships!! They are "Grand Ladies" aren't they?

Akelamalu said...

What a wonderful sight that must have been Julia - I will content myself with your great photos of the event. :)

Anonymous said...

Those are gorgeous ships - like taken from the adventures book! Thank you!

kayerj said...

what an impressive sight. thanks for stopping by

Come Away With Me said...

Tall ships always fill me with wonder! I seem to have totally romanticized them from images I got in novels growing up. Probably my favorite was Elizabeth Goudge's Green Dolphin Street. And I was completely fascinated with the recent BBC production To the Ends of the Earth based on William Golding's sea trilogy.

Thank you for sharing this experience with us.

Amy Ruttan said...

One day I'll get to the Maritimes again. *sigh*

I love it out East.

Travis Cody said...


I work on Elliot Bay in Seattle, so I understand how great it is to be able to walk out near the water at lunch time. Right now we have cruise ships late in the week, but we also get to see ferries and coast guard boats every day.

Kailana said...

One of these years I am going to be there for the Parade of Sails. I was there on Sunday, so I thought it was overkill to drive to the city again on Monday...

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Robin - You know, I haven't read that series yet. But I did love the film version. I should remedy that situation.

Dina - I definitely never get blase about it. Not during the Tall Ships - that's for sure!

Ginger - I've loved them all my life. I never get tired of gazing up at them in awe.

Akelamalu - It's so magical to see them glide past.

Ellievellie - Seeing them makes me feel like I'm in an adventure.

Kaye - Even though we get modern cruise ships in the harbour, nothing is more impressive to me than the tall ships.

Sara - I haven't read that book, though I do love the jazz standard by that name. I watched To The Ends of The Earth, though - loved it!

Amy - I can dream...

Travis - Don't you love the feeling of life and energy that hums in a harbour?

poefusion said...

I would have loved to been there watching with you. These ships are incredible.