Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Thursday Thirteen - 75 - 13 Nova Scotia Wildflower Shots

1 - A butterfly sits on a thistle-like Knapweed out at my sister's boyfriend's cottage in Musquodoboit.

2 - Pearly Ever lasting and Butter-and-Eggs in my side garden.

3 - Daisy Fleabane in Mom's flowerbed around the base of a maple tree.

4 - Another Knapweed from the woodland garden in our yard.

5 - Purple Beach Peas out at White Point Beach where we had our writers' retreat.

6 - Meadow Rue and mixed wildflowers in the marshy shore by the cottage where we had our writers' retreat.

7 - These seem like a type of wild Mallow which were out at Eastern Passage in the marshy shoreline.

8 - Spotted Touch-me-Not, also growing along the shore at Eastern Passage. These wildflowers also grow in the dappled shade of the woods near my home.

9 - Gorgeous yellow Tansy out at Eastern Passage.

10 - Rosehips along Lower Water Street near Pier 21 in Halifax.

11 - A beautiful male pheasant that got lost in our yard last fall, among the Lungwort. We'd never had a pheasant drop by before, and haven't since. He eventually found his way back to the woods.

12 - These yellow flowers grow all over the beaches here in Nova Scotia, but I can't seem to find out what they're called. But I love how they tumble over the coastline.

13 - Bunch berry along the coast at White Point Beach.


Jennifer McKenzie said...

So pretty. I love these Julia.

earthlingorgeous said...

Lovely collections of Wild Flowers in NS thanks for sharing :)

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

We are totally into my favorite season now, but I never get tired of the serenity of wildflowers. More! More!

Anonymous said...

I love the name butter-and-eggs. And they really DO look like that. Why are the spotted touch-me-nots called that?

Wylie Kinson said...

Lovely photos, Julia. I need some photograhy lessons... half my hiking pics were blurred!

Amy Ruttan said...

I needed these today it's raining and miserable here and I needed sunshine.

Anonymous said...

So lovely! And peaceful! I'd give anything to be sitting there, among them, relaxing.

Darla said...

Beautiful wildflowers! My older two kids had to do wildflower projects when they were in 7th grade, and it was like this: a photo project--no picking & pressing allowed.

Toni said...

Oh my, soooo pretty. TFS.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Wylie - if you notice, my pheasant pic is blurry. I had to anticipate his movements and so the camera was moving at the time the shutter clicked. Which equals a blurry photo.

If you aren't moving the camera (even slightly) at the time you take it, then the problem could be the subject's movement without a flash going off. A flash will give you the clarity, because of the automatic quicker shutter speed.

But if you're taking the picture with no flash, the shutter speed is slower and the movement of leaves in a slight breeze will blur the photo.

Sniz - Touch-me-Nots were given that name because the seed pods - which also dangle from the leaves - will shoot out their seed ammo at a mere breath of a touch. It's like a silent firework explosion. Which I experienced and it freaked me out.

Judy Palesh said...

Hello Nova Scotia: thanks for sharing these incredible natural shots of the maritime countryside.
You can check out wildflower growing in SW Ontario at my blog
thank you - Judy - Ontario

Shelley Munro said...

Gorgeous. I love wildflowers.

HeatherK said...

Very nice Julia, I've never seen touch-me-nots, Thank you for sharing names of them. I never knew.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Heather - there's usually a bunch of them over in the woods by Settle Lake, which is accessible from Poplar Drive, at the top of Circassion. Just go through the walk-throughs from Poplar, or start at the Farm Museum and go along the paths. They're out now.

Unknown said...

Beautiful flowers! I love fleabane, even though my daddy calls it a weed. To me, no plants in my wildflower garden are weeds - they are natives and I love everyone of them!

Leah Braemel said...

Hmm, looks like my backyard - much to my neighbor's disgust, I'm sure. (He's one of those neat freaks who has everything lined up in neat little rows blooming on command.) And now I have names - I've always just said "that yellow flower thingy over there."

Touch-me-not, huh. I know I've seen them around here - somewhere - but I've never seen the explosion. Now I'm going to be looking for the pods to experience it for myself.

Robin said...

Lovely flowers, and I'm VERY impressed that you can name them all. I'd be saying "here's a white one, and a yellow one, and another white one, oh, and this next one's white too"...

Ann said...

Beautiful pictures. I LOVE fall, down here the temperature has fallen back down to comfortable levels, and soon the leaves will be changing. And I love the wildflowers.
Have a great weekend.
P.S. I got my laptop, and as soon as I figure out the whole wireless thing I'll do the memes I owe you. :)

M. said...

Very lovely.

Finally got around to the meme!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, those are so very, very gorgeous! Well done Julia!