Monday, February 4, 2008

Poetry Train Monday - 35 - Writers' Lunch

This one is so new it's barely wrapped in swaddling clothes.

Tomorrow is the One Year Blogiversary of A Piece of My Mind. Drop by and celebrate with me!

Writers' Lunch

Real faces
I could touch
If I reached across

Words tumble
Not in my mind
But over the pasta

Morsels nourish
Even on my fork
As heads nod

I carry souls
In my heart
In my mind

Clink and clack
Drown them out
For an afternoon

Hungry muse
Happy with laughter
Plucked like a brass ring

Copyright - Julia Smith - 2008


Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Ahh, isn't it great to spend time with other people who GET you?

Camille Alexa said...

If I don't make it online tomorrow, Happy Anniversary!

Camille Alexa said...

Oh, and thanks again for listening to my story up at Escape Pod!

Toni said...

Happy 'Versary to you! I'm sooo glad to be a regular reader and a blogland friend too.

Joy Renee said...

oooooh. i'm drooling. and not over the food.

Happy Blogaversary!!!

Red Garnier said...

YEY, HAPPY BLOGVERSARRY!!!!You rawk, Julia! :)

Karina said...

Great poem. So full of the joy you get from a lunch with friends. Loved it.

I'll be back tomorrow for sure, I love your "parties". ;-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary in Advance!

I like this!

Annette Gallant said...

I love this poem, especially seeing so many familiar faces in that photo.

Annette Gallant said...

Also Happy Reunion Day with your hubby!! :-)

lissa said...

you sure know how to use your words - great poem

Akelamalu said...

We must have started blogging more or less at the same time mine is soon.

I'll be by again tomorrow.x

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary!

I had to read it a couple of times, which in itself is a bit of a compliment.
"plucked like a brass ring" - what a wonderful and inspiring image.

Unknown said...

What's better than good food, good friends and great poem about them? Looking forward to tomorrow's party.

Amy Ruttan said...

I love my writer's lunches. Loved having lunch with you when you were in the City. :D

Happy Blogiversary in case I am not around tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Ah you guys look like you're having fun...I want to be there too!!

And happy blogiversary!

Anonymous said...

very joyful , captures the moment, conveys the feeling, fun

congrats on your blogversary!

Anonymous said...

I LOVED that poem!!! You should be a writer! Oh wait.

Having so many good friends is such a blessing!